Monday, November 20, 2006

Personal Finance Problems

Many people today are struggling with personal finances.

If you are anything like me, it has taken close to 12 years to unravel my financial burdens! Even though I struggled to keep up with spiraling interest rates on credit card loans, I continued to receive invitations to extend more credit. And, I continued to accept them! Why not? There are so many things I need, and buying things are so darn easy using credit!

That is, until the credit card companies decided to increase my interest rates to nearly 29%! After that, I could barely keep up with the interest charges. I would make a substantial payment, then be discouraged when I got my next bill and the balance remained unchanged! Whenever I did find a little extra money at the end of the month, I was quick to find SOMETHING to spend it on... After all, I deserved it after struggling all month right?

In 2004, I found myself paying nearly $1,231 per month on interest payments alone. Today, I am nearly debt-free! Don't let yourself get caught up in GenerationDEBT! There are plenty of resources available to help provide guidance. Don't get caught up in wasteful spending! Buy what you need and save the unnecessary items for another day...

BJC Computer Services

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