Tuesday, April 01, 2008

7 Reasons You Should Be Ecstatic About the Credit Squeeze

Whether or not you are affected by the falling real estate prices, the credit squeeze being applied by the banks or just generally feeling that perhaps you just went a little too crazy with all those credit cards the banks very kindly gave you, you really are more in control of your future than you probably think you are right now.

For whatever reason the banks saw fit, they have loosened their criteria over the last 10 years and relaxed their own guidance rules about responsible lending and have distributed money out like candy to customers who would not usually have met with the strict criteria of several years ago.

If you had the privilege of a time machine that could take you back 12 to 15 years ago you would be shocked by how strict the criteria used to be for borrowing money. Credit cards were reserved for households with certain income levels to ensure they could keep up with the repayments.

For many people who have not known anything other than credit as and when requested there is an unfortunate sequence of events in the financial world that will come as a shock when they hear the word no.

As a seasoned anti credit campaigner myself, I view all this activity with a much more positive outlook than most, because I think it is the best news you could hear if you ever truly want wealth and prosperity to come your way.

There are at least 7 great reasons why you should be happy with the credit squeeze.

1. You need to clear your debts before you can become wealthy, so a credit squeeze will force you to choose a much better way of life.

2. You will be able to stop the banks making billions of dollars from extortionate interest rate charges on loans, credit cards and mortgage payments.

3. Life without credit cards is much more fun than life with credit card debt.

4. If you are up to your limit with your credit cards anyway, you might as well face facts that you were not very good with them in the first place.

5. Your wallet will be lighter with fewer credit cards and you will speed up the queues at the till behind you when you start your selection process.

6. Credit Cards only ever give you a one time pay rise that is really tough to pay back without earning more money anyway, if you can earn more money anyway, why do you need the card?
7. Credit Cards just make banks richer with your money; they are set up to keep you in debt because they make more money that way.

As with all things in life, you can either choose to take a negative slant on something or meet it head on and make it a positive event. Ultimately the credit balloon has been getting bigger and bigger year after year for quite some time; at sometime it simply had to pop.

Diane Cossie has thrown down a live challenge on the web with her positive angle on the credit squeeze. Pay Off Your Mortgage in Less than 3 Years shows week by week how anyone can pay off their mortgage at; http://www.payoffyourmortgagein8yearsorless.co.uk

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