Are you in so much debt that you are having a difficult time paying all of your monthly obligations?
Many people find themselves in this situation and then they have no idea how they can get out of it. It truly is unfortunate to have arrears because you end up paying double, triple, or even more for the items you purchased simply because the interest rates are so high.
The following suggestions will help you reduce what you owe and give you a map to get out of the arrears accumulated and stay that way.
Tip #1 More Than The Minimum Payment
You have been probably paying minimum payment on all of your arrears and have found that you are not actually getting out of it by doing so, but rather staying current on your credit cards.
If you truly want to pay off what you owe then you will need to start making some sacrifices in other areas of your life and pay larger monthly payments. You want to pay at least double the monthly payment if not triple in order to get yourself back in the black.
Keep in mind, this does takes lot of effort and commitment but you can do it if you simply focus on what needs to be done. The easiest way to pay more than you are currently paying is to cut back on food costs.
Many people spend a great deal of money eating out and on convenience foods when you can easily eat a sandwich for each meal and cereal for breakfast for as little as $20 a week. Compare that to the $200 some people spend per week on food and restaurants and you will see that you really can make some big payments by eating at home.
Tip #2 Stop Spending
In order to really get out of debt you have to change your spending habits.
This means that you don't use your credit cards unless you really have to. This constitutes an emergency only like a flat tire or a medical emergency when you cannot go without it. And, the card should only be used if you don't have cash to cover the expense.
When you are shelling out money because you feel like you can't live without a certain pair of shoes or you found a great outfit on sale you will wind up having arrears. But, when you approach spending by only spending what you have in cash or on something you really need you will learn how to give up those "deals" and stay out of debt and less stressed.
Tip #3 Remove Your Name From Pre-Screened Credit Offers
Often times people apply for credit simply because an offer arrived in the mail. In order for you to not be tempted by these types of offers you can have your name removed from pre-screened offers.
This will allow you to continue your plan of not spending and paying more than the monthly payment each month without any hiccups of additional credit. And, when you don't apply for additional loan you will notice it is even easier to get yourself out of
If you feel you are living in a debt then don't hesitate to call us. We offer debt management services, iva and debt consolidation loan just for you.
Many people find themselves in this situation and then they have no idea how they can get out of it. It truly is unfortunate to have arrears because you end up paying double, triple, or even more for the items you purchased simply because the interest rates are so high.
The following suggestions will help you reduce what you owe and give you a map to get out of the arrears accumulated and stay that way.
Tip #1 More Than The Minimum Payment
You have been probably paying minimum payment on all of your arrears and have found that you are not actually getting out of it by doing so, but rather staying current on your credit cards.
If you truly want to pay off what you owe then you will need to start making some sacrifices in other areas of your life and pay larger monthly payments. You want to pay at least double the monthly payment if not triple in order to get yourself back in the black.
Keep in mind, this does takes lot of effort and commitment but you can do it if you simply focus on what needs to be done. The easiest way to pay more than you are currently paying is to cut back on food costs.
Many people spend a great deal of money eating out and on convenience foods when you can easily eat a sandwich for each meal and cereal for breakfast for as little as $20 a week. Compare that to the $200 some people spend per week on food and restaurants and you will see that you really can make some big payments by eating at home.
Tip #2 Stop Spending
In order to really get out of debt you have to change your spending habits.
This means that you don't use your credit cards unless you really have to. This constitutes an emergency only like a flat tire or a medical emergency when you cannot go without it. And, the card should only be used if you don't have cash to cover the expense.
When you are shelling out money because you feel like you can't live without a certain pair of shoes or you found a great outfit on sale you will wind up having arrears. But, when you approach spending by only spending what you have in cash or on something you really need you will learn how to give up those "deals" and stay out of debt and less stressed.
Tip #3 Remove Your Name From Pre-Screened Credit Offers
Often times people apply for credit simply because an offer arrived in the mail. In order for you to not be tempted by these types of offers you can have your name removed from pre-screened offers.
This will allow you to continue your plan of not spending and paying more than the monthly payment each month without any hiccups of additional credit. And, when you don't apply for additional loan you will notice it is even easier to get yourself out of
If you feel you are living in a debt then don't hesitate to call us. We offer debt management services, iva and debt consolidation loan just for you.
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